How do you market a new listing in the Baltimore area?
You're a brand new agent who has worked hard on your real estate presentation and won the listing - now how are you going to market it? Real estate agent Loida Velasquez provides some tips in this video on how to market a new listing:
Loida says:
"It is price that sells a home, not the marketing."
I agree ... well, sort of. If you have the most amazing marketing but you price a home at 50% above what the market is willing to pay then it simply won't sell.
However, as we've discussed in other posts here at Charm City Virtual Tours (such as "How to Get a Higher Sale Price when Selling a Home"), the marketing you use can have a big impact on the number of buyers who are attracted to the home. Competition between buyers will then affect the price that the property is sold for.
Loida also recommends several things, and I'd like to discuss #3: Hire a professional photographer to take pictures.
"It always surprises me, every time that I look on the MLS and I come across these properties with terrible quality pictures, how am I, let's say if I was a buyer, how am I supposed to fall in love with your house when it looks like garbage? And I'm just being straight forward here.
So invest a few dollars, maybe $100 to $200, on a photographer that's going to take high quality, professional pictures that are going to sell the home.
Again, as I said, buyers are now looking online at properties so you want to make sure that your home stands out and is attractive enough for them to want to schedule an appointment to take a look at the property."
Assuming that you have priced the property correctly, the marketing can make a difference. For example, if you are selling a $400,000 home, then you want the property to look like the most incredible $400,000 home that those buyers are ever going to see. Those potential buyers are going to compare that home with everything else that's available - if your marketing can make it look like the most value packed property that's available then that's great! What I mean by "most value packed" is that if the presentation of your $400,000 listing is as good or better than a $500,000 listing, then potential buyers will see it as being a great value for the price. That's when the price goes up, because you may be getting multiple offers.
So yes, the listing price does sell a home, but the marketing can and does have an impact on what that price will be.
Loida makes a similar point in this video as well:
"Hire a photographer!
You know you're going to make this commission, so you might as well spend a couple of hundred dollars hiring a professional real estate photographer that's going to make sure that they accentuate and feature all of the property and everything it has to offer. You know that the first place that buyers look for homes is online, so you want to make sure that when they see the property online, they're going to go, "You know what, agent, I wanna go check this house out because it looks beautiful!"
At Charm City Virtual Tours we provide a full range of photography, video, and marketing materials to fit your budget. Give us a call at 410-707-3306 today - we'd love to help you with your marketing plan!