photo checklist for sellers

Preparing for Real Estate Photography in the Baltimore/DC Area

In the Baltimore/DC Metro area the spring market is in full bloom!  Sellers have been busy since the beginning of the year getting their homes ready for market.  A lot of agents work very closely with their sellers, making sure that things are taken care of in order to make a great first impression to potential buyers.  They go through the property with the sellers from top to bottom and make recommendations for repairs, replacements, updates, furniture arrangement, decluttering, etc.

Over the years at Charm City Virtual Tours we’ve worked with many realtors and homeowners.  Photography is usually the last step in the process, but the first thing that potential buyers see online or in print material.  When sellers follow the recommendations of their agent and/or stager, their efforts usually pay off quickly with a faster sale.  It’s not unusual in the Baltimore area to get multiple offers which, at times, may exceed the list price.

To assist realtors and homeowners, we’ve created a seller checklist to prepare for photography.  Following this guide will ensure a smooth photography session with high quality photos which will make your property stand out and attract buyers!

seller checklist

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